Response Parameters =================== Description of the response parameters. General Parameters ------------------ Description of parameters that are present in every response. * ``attribution`` - copyrights and attribution * ``apiVersion`` - version of the ohsome API OSM Tags -------- When requested, the result will contain OSM elements' tags as individual GeoJSON properties. .. note:: Any OSM tag with a key starting with the special `@` character (e.g.: `@osmId`), will be modified through the addition of another `@` at the start (the example would be changed to `@@osmId`). Aggregation Parameters ---------------------- * ``value`` - indicates the result of the chosen computation (``count``, ``area``, ``lenght``, ``perimeter``) **specific for /contributions** * ``fromTimestamp`` - temporal starting point * ``toTimestamp`` - temporal ending point **specific for /elements and /users** * ``timestamp`` - indicates the period of time to which the computation refers * ``value2`` - result of the chosen computation (``count``, ``area``, ``lenght``, ``perimeter``) applying the filter2 parameter * ``ratio`` - indicates the result of the ratio computation Extraction Parameters --------------------- Description of the custom response parameters that are marked with a leading ``@``. * ``@osmId`` - id of the OSM element, including its type (e.g. node/1) * ``@version`` - version number of the OSM element * ``@changesetId`` - id of the OSM changeset which last increased the version of this OSM element * ``@osmType`` - type of the OSM element (node, way or relation) **specific for /elements** * ``@snapshotTimestamp`` - describes for which timestamp a snapshot of this feature was requested * ``@lastEdit`` - describes the timestamp at which this feature was edited the last time **specific for /elementsFullHistory** * ``@validFrom`` - indicates when a creation or change of this feature with the provided attributes and geometry was made; has the same value as the fromTimestamp if the creation/change happened before the requested time interval * ``@validTo`` - indicates until when this feature with the provided attributes and geometry stayed unchanged or undeleted; has the same value as the toTimestamp if the change/deletion happened after the requested time interval **specific for /contributions** * ``@timestamp`` - indicates when this contribution occurred * ``@contributionChangsetId`` - id of the OSM changeset where the contribution was performed * ``@creation`` - contribution type; indicates if the OSM element newly fits the query's requirements: either because it is freshly created, moved into the query's area of interest, or is now matching the defined filter parameter (true); cannot occur in combination with other contribution types * ``@geometryChange`` - contribution type; indicates if the geometry of the OSM element has changed (true); can occur in combination with @tagChange * ``@tagChange``- contribution type; indicates if the tags of this OSM element have changed (true); can occur in combination with @geometryChange * ``@deletion`` - contribution type; indicates if the OSM element does not match the query requirements anymore: either because it got deleted, moved outside of the query area of interest, or is not matching the defined filter anymore (true); cannot occur in combination with other contribution types .. note:: No `contribution type` can occur with having ``false`` as a value. If any of them is present, the value is always ``true``. .. note:: The `@contributionChangsetId` can be different from the general `@changesetId` in cases where a contribution stems from changes child elements referenced by an OSM element, e.g. when only the nodes of an OSM way are rearranged or moved. This is sometimes called a "minor version". Metadata -------- * ``timeout`` - limit of the processing time in seconds * ``spatialExtent`` - spatial boundary of the OSM data in the underlying OSHDB * ``temporalExtent`` - timeframe of the OSM data in the underlying OSHDB * ``fromTimestamp`` - temporal starting point * ``toTimestamp`` - temporal ending point * ``replicationSequenceNumber`` - precise state of the OSM data contained in the underlying OSHDB, expressed as the id of the last applied (hourly) diff file from